Best foods for weight loss

Gaining body weight is not something that anyone likes, especially if the belly starts to protrude.

Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that increases the risk of many chronic diseases including diabetes, cancer, and others. Obesity is becoming more common among young people worldwide. But the good thing is that by using a few common foods, you can lose weight.

Seeds and pulses

Chickpeas, beans, or pulses are high in protein. They are also high in fiber, which slows digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer. When the feeling of fullness is sustained for a long time, it helps to avoid the habit of binge eating and it becomes easier to lose body weight.


Starting the meal with soup helps to build a lean body. Consuming fewer calories makes it possible to lose body weight. Yakhni or soup also benefits health and helps prevent seasonal colds.

Dark chocolate

Consuming a small amount of dark chocolate daily can also be beneficial for weight loss. One study found that people who ate dark chocolate avoided junk food a few hours later.


Yogurt is very high in protein. If you eat yogurt for breakfast, it can help you avoid binge eating throughout the day because protein reduces appetite. One study found that starting the day with a protein-rich meal made you feel full longer and reduced your cravings for high-fat or sugary foods at night.

Just be careful not to add sugar to the curd.


Daily consumption of some nuts like almonds, walnuts, or peanuts also helps in weight loss. Research reports have shown that people who are addicted to eating nuts make smaller amounts of food into the body.


The habit of eating apples can also be good for getting rid of obesity. Eating apples does not make you feel hungry. Similarly, apples also contain nutrients like fiber, which keeps the feeling of fullness for a long time.


Eating grapefruit also helps in weight loss. One study found that eating half a grapefruit before a meal, day or night, reduced body weight by 2 kg over 12 weeks. However, grapefruit juice does not have this benefit and if you are taking medication, use this fruit only as advised by your doctor.


The fiber in cloves can also help in weight loss as it keeps the feeling of fullness longer and prevents the urge to overeat. However, eating too much of this fruit should be avoided as it is high in carbohydrates which can lead to weight gain.

Green tea

It is also possible to reduce body weight by drinking green tea. According to research reports, this drink activates the calorie-burning engine in the body, which makes it easier to lose body weight.

Get help with water

Drinking water increases the number of calories burned, if you don't know, know that calories are used by the body as energy. According to research reports, drinking half a liter of water burns an additional 23 calories and on an annual basis, this number becomes 17 thousand calories or say 2 kg of fat. Research reports prove that drinking water before each meal can reduce body weight by up to 2 kg in the next 12 weeks as it reduces the desire to eat.

Note: This article is based on details published in medical journals, readers must consult their physician in this regard.

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